Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How did it get to be late October?

I guess it was the "wedding of the century" that really took it's toll on our summer. The ceremony was held in our yard - on our back patio (see below). Everything went perfectly - weather was wonderful, everyone was on their best behavior, and we got the best new daughter (Justine Bushman) whom we love, dearly.

We are working on our workshop & class/special event/bus tour schedule and will post it here and send to our e-mail list very soon. We are not having a formal holiday open house this year, again, but will be having special weekend events throughout November and December.


It's time to think about putting our gardens "to bed" for the winter. However, there are some things that can't be done this early. Don't cover tender perennials, mums, etc. until the ground is firmly frozen - usually around Thanksgiving. The purpose of mulching is to protect the plant's roots from the freezing/thawing activity that does the damage and may even kill the plant. This is why plants in raised beds or patio pots are at a greater risk of freezing out over the winter. If you have pots of perennials on your deck, you should submerge the pots into the ground, or transplant the plants into the ground now for winter protection.

Remove dead plant material - especially large leaves like Hosta - after a good frost. Not only does your garden look better, but you are removing a winter home for diseases and bugs.

Leave ornamental grasses, coneflowers, and other plants with a good "skeleton" for winter interest in your garden. The seeds feed the birds, too. Next spring, as soon as you see new growth, cut these plants back to about 6" above the ground.

Ge those spring-blooming bulbs in! It's getting to the end of the planting season - you want to have a little growing time for the bulbs to get their roots established before really cold weather. However, as of this writing, my bulbs are still in their bags in my car! Like I always told my children, "do what I say, not what I do".

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